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#| NOTES/FREQUENCY TABLE |####################################################
###########+-| Note |----| Frequency |----| Note |----| Frequency |-+#########
###########|   C ............ 131 ......... C(middle) .... 262      |#########
###########|   D ............ 147 ......... D ............ 294      |#########
###########|   E ............ 165 ......... E ............ 330      |#########
###########|   F ............ 174 ......... F ............ 349      |#########
###########|   G ............ 196 ......... G ............ 392      |#########
###########|   A ............ 220 ......... A ............ 440      |#########
###########|   B ............ 247 ......... B ............ 494      |#########
#########| Higher notes can be approximated by doubling the frequency  |######
#########| of the corresponding note.  Lower notes can be approximated |######
#########| by halving the frequency.                                   |######

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson